
Ready to Drip to Success?

Ready to Drip to Success?

In a world where competition is fierce and consumer attention is fleeting, drip marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audiences meaningfully and sustainably. At its core, drip marketing involves sending strategically designed messages to prospects and customers over time. This method enables you to nurture leads, cultivate relationships,…

Lead Follow-Up: Timing Is Everything

Lead Follow-Up: Timing Is Everything

You’ve crafted a powerful B2B direct mail campaign with an email follow-up. The design is terrific. The call to action is strong. Success! A high percentage of respondents contact you for more information. You pass along the leads to your sales team, and they start following up. Several weeks later, you look at the conversion…

What Goes into Creating a Great Print Ad?

What Goes into Creating a Great Print Ad?

Print advertising remains a powerful tool for reaching and engaging with audiences. To create effective print advertisements that resonate with your audience, it’s helpful to follow a strategic approach. Here are seven tips for getting great results: Define clear, measurable objectives. Whether you aim to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or promote a new product,…

Want Customer Loyalty? Start Yesterday!

Want Customer Loyalty? Start Yesterday!

We’ve all heard the statistics—your current customers are far more profitable than new customers. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of brand purchases come from repeat customers. Even a slight increase in customer retention increases overall company profitability exponentially. But what does it take to create loyal customers who bring such value to the bottom line? Time, commitment,…

How You Can Make Personalization Easy

How You Can Make Personalization Easy

Talk about personalized communications is all around us. Yet, only some businesses are using personalization in their marketing. The reasons vary, from thinking it’s too expensive to it’s too difficult to do. The reality is that neither is true. Let’s look at three ways to target your marketing communications that don’t require much effort or…

Curbing Customer Churn: 4 Key Strategies

Curbing Customer Churn: 4 Key Strategies

Customer churn is part of the business for even the most successful companies. New customers come, and some customers go. The question isn’t how to stop customer churn. It’s how to reduce it. What are some of the ways you can keep churn to a minimum? Here are four steps to get you started. Identify…

3 Steps to a Social Media Strategy

3 Steps to a Social Media Strategy

Have you added social media to your multichannel mix? Intelligent businesses are combining direct mail and email, but social media? That’s for doomscrolling over your morning coffee, not for marketing…or is it? It is! Innovative brands go where their customers are, and your customers are on social media. Social media is not just where your…

Signage Solutions: So Many Choices!

Signage Solutions: So Many Choices!

When it comes to signage, it is all pretty much the same, right? Not at all. Signs do more than just provide information. From retail storefronts to corporate events, campuses, and beyond, signage is pivotal in branding, messaging, enhancing visibility, and more. Let’s tour the different types of printed signage and how they can be…

5 Ways to Motivate Your Target Audience

5 Ways to Motivate Your Target Audience

Are fewer people responding to your direct mail pieces? Maybe it’s because they’ve seen the same or similar design multiple times. It could be time to try something new. Here are five simple ideas to improve your marketing and get more people interested in your offers again. Mix up envelope styles. Use the same envelope…

Generational Perspectives on Informed Delivery

Generational Perspectives on Informed Delivery

The United States Postal Service’s Informed Delivery service is a gift to every marketer. It is a free service that gives mail recipients a sneak peek (via email, app, or web) at what’s coming in the mail that day. Businesses can add links to these digital previews, allowing recipients to take advantage of offers before…